All public or private improvement plans, profiles, descriptions, studies, calculations, notes, surveys and drawings required under the provisions of this title shall be provided at no expense to the City and shall be prepared in accordance with this section and as required by the City Engineer. Construction plans for street, alley, drainage, sewer and water improvements and for any other improvements as required, shall be drawn on standard City mylars in black opaque ink, and shall be filed with the City Engineer for his checking and review prior to their approval. All maps, sketches, descriptions, estimates, plats and other drawings and items required to fulfill the requirements of this title shall also be provided in the form, content, number and detail as specified by the City Engineer. The plans and profiles of all required and proposed public and private improvements in a subdivision tract shall be furnished to the City Engineer, and shall be ready for his approval before a final tract map of the subdivision is presented to the City Council for approval or prior to the City Engineer signing the final parcel map. No construction or work shall commence on any of the improvements shown on any construction or improvement plans required in this chapter until the plans have been reviewed and approved and signed by the City Engineer. After approval and signature by the City Engineer, all original mylars shall become the property of the City and may be released thereafter for reproduction or other purposes only to bonded blueprinting or reproduction agencies, firms or individuals as approved by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 2722 (part), 1990).