For the purpose of this chapter, a lot line adjustment is any division of land exempt from the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, in which no more parcels are created by the division than originally existed prior to the adjustment. The Director of Development Services may approve or disapprove an application for a lot line adjustment, and his determination as to whether a division may be classed as a lot line adjustment shall be final. His action shall be in writing and sent by mail to the applicant within fifty days of filing.
A. Application. An application shall be submitted in writing, in a form provided by the City Engineer which shall give the legal description of the lots or parcels to be adjusted, the owner's names, addresses, and telephone numbers, evidence of title and such other information as may be required. A map sketch, in a form provided by the City Engineer, showing the lots or parcels before and after their adjustment, their relationship to each other, adjoining lots or parcels, street centerlines or right-of-way lines, existing buildings, fences, etc., and the latest Orange County Assessor parcel numbers shall also be submitted. The complete application and map sketch shall be submitted to the Director of Development Services for his approval as to zoning and building ordinances prior to submittal to the City Engineer for his review as to correctness and sufficiency.
B. Appeal From Action by the Director of Development Services. If the applicant for a lot line adjustment wishes to appeal the decision of the Director of Development Services or the requirements and conditions pertaining to his approval or denial of the lot line adjustment, he shall file a written appeal with the Director of Development Services within fifteen days of the Director of Development Services' written action. The application, along with a staff report setting forth the requirements and other information regarding the lot line adjustment, shall then be sent to the Planning Commission, who shall hear the appeal. A copy of the report shall also be sent to the owner or applicant making the appeal at least three days prior to any hearing or action by the Planning Commission. Upon receipt of the report, the Planning Commission shall review the matter at its first regular meeting held, but not less than ten days after its receipt. The decision of the Planning Commission approving, conditionally approving or denying the appealed lot line adjustment or conditions thereof shall be final unless a further appeal to the City Council is made within ten days after action by the Planning Commission. If a further appeal is made, it shall be handled in the same manner as outlined above for regular division by parcel map.
(Ord. 2722 (part), 1990).