When a tentative parcel map has been approved or conditionally approved in accordance with this chapter, a final map thereof, which shall be in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map, shall be prepared, approved and signed by the City Engineer and filed with the County Recorder for recordation. Recordation shall be made within the twenty-four month period above provided, or within any subsequent extension duly approved. If no final parcel map is submitted for approval and recorded within the time limits provided, then all proceedings shall terminate, and no final parcel map of any portion of the land within the tentative parcel map shall be approved or recorded without first processing a new tentative parcel map.
A. Filing. For the purpose of filing a final parcel map with the City, the owner or applicant shall submit to the City Engineer an original final map tracing and three blue-line prints thereof. One print shall be returned to the owner or applicant thereafter, showing any corrections to be made, or a statement that the map is correct. When the final map is found to be correct, and the applicant or owner has posted all agreements, improvement securities and fees, as described in Title 21 and elsewhere in this title, and all other conditions precedent to the approval of the tentative parcel map have been met, the final parcel map shall be certified by the City Engineer. The map will then be transmitted to the County Recorder by the City Clerk.
B. Required Information of Final Parcel Map. The final parcel map shall contain all of the same information and data as required on a final tract map and shall be prepared following the format as described in the Subdivision Map Act. Appropriate certificates for signature by the City Engineer, the County Surveyor, and the engineer or surveyor who prepared the map, shall be provided in a form as required by the City Engineer and the Subdivision Map Act. The location and description of existing monuments or established lines, the setting of new points and monuments before or after map recordation and the required survey data to be shown and provided shall all be done in a similar manner to that required by a final tract map, and as required by the City Engineer. The delineation of lots and parcels, their minimum frontages and widths, and the method of averaging lot sizes shall also conform to the same standards and codes as if the division of land were a subdivision of over five lots. All information shown on the final parcel map shall be based upon a field survey made in conformance with good engineering and survey practices and with the State Land Surveyors Act. Final maps for lot line adjustments, as defined in this chapter may be based upon record data, if approved by the City Engineer. Certificates for signature by the City Engineer, and others required by law and this code, shall be shown on the final parcel map, except that a certificate signed and acknowledged by all parties having record title interest in the property to be divided by the parcel map is not required.
(Ord. 2722 (part), 1990).