A. Submittal. A tentative parcel map showing the proposed lot division shall be filed with the Director of Development Services in the same manner as a subdivision map. The applicant shall determine from the Development Services Department the number of copies of the tentative map and any other information required for processing the lot division and shall provide same. The size of the tentative map shall be sufficient to show the entire land division on a single sheet, at a scale not smaller than one hundred feet to the inch. The tentative parcel map shall contain and show the following:
1. A legal description of the land to be divided, with dimensions shown on the parcels and around the boundary;
2. The name, address and phone number of the owners of the property to be divided, with the name, address and phone number of the person who prepared the map;
3. A north arrow and scale;
4. The location of the property in relation to existing streets, alleys and public service easements and the location, width, approximate grade, centerline radii and proposed names of all proposed streets, highways, alleys, and public service easements;
5. The location of existing lot lines and the locations of proposed lot lines with each new parcel being numbered consecutively;
6. Existing contours on topography, if required by the City Engineer, with the location and steepness of all cut and fill slopes;
7. The location and direction of flow of existing or proposed sewerage and storm drainage facilities, waterlines, wells and any cesspools, irrigation lines, utility lines and all other underground or overhead facilities;
8. The location of existing buildings and structures and their relation to the lot lines being created, along with the proposed use of each new parcel;
9. Any other information relevant to the area, its improvement and design, which in the opinion of the City Engineer is required for proper consideration of the effect of the division on the community and as required by State or City laws.
B. Certificate of Owner. When a tentative parcel map is filed with the Director of Development Services, the applicant shall certify in writing that he is the record owner of property or properties to be divided, and that he consents to the proposed division. Such certificate shall be in a form as prescribed by the Director of Development Services, and all signatures thereon shall be acknowledged by a notary public. Signatures of parties owning the types of interest described in Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act need not appear on the certificate form if the subdivider supplies their names, the nature of their interests and evidence of their knowledge and consent to the division prior to approval and recordation of the final parcel map.
C. Examination and Report on Tentative Parcel Map. Each tentative parcel map filed shall be examined by the City Engineer and Director of Development Services for its correctness and compliance with City ordinances and policies. A written report of their findings and recommendations shall be delivered to the Planning Commission within fifty days of the filing of the tentative parcel map.
This limit may be extended upon mutual consent of the persons submitting said map and both the City Engineer and the Director of Development Services. When a revised tentative map is submitted prior to Planning Commission action, the time limitation period as defined in Section 16.02.030(C) shall be based upon the revised map submittal.
Their report shall also be sent to the applicant of record at least three days prior to any action taken on the tentative parcel map by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission (and City Council, if appealed) consideration of said map shall be a public hearing, noticed as provided in Section 15.76.060.
(Ord. 2722 (part), 1990).