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16.02.040   Final maps.
   Final tract maps of the subdivision whose tentative maps have been approved or conditionally approved shall be submitted, reviewed and processed in conformance with this section.
   A.    Time Limit for Filing. Within a period of twenty-four months after the date upon which the Planning Commission or the City Council granted its approval or conditional approval of a tentative subdivision tract map, the subdivider may cause the subdivision, or any portion thereof, to be surveyed and a final map to be prepared, filed with the City and recorded, as provided in this chapter, in accordance with the tentative map as approved.
   B.    1.   Limitation of Approval. The approval or conditional approval of a tentative tract map shall be valid for a period of twenty-four months after the date upon which the Planning Commission or the City Council, whichever is applicable, granted approval or conditional approval of the subdivision. Upon written application, filed with the Director of Development Services within the twenty-four-month period following approval or conditional approval of the subdivision, extension beyond the twenty-four-month period may be granted by the Planning Commission. The sum of all such extensions granted shall not exceed a total of twenty-four months. If the request for extension is denied, then the applicant or owner may appeal to the City Council.
      2.   Conditions of Approval. At the time any tentative tract map is extended, the Planning Commission or the City Council on appeal, whichever is applicable, may add any new conditions as they see fit as a condition of the extension of the tentative approval period. The Clerk of the Planning Commission and the Clerk of the City Council shall notify in writing, the applicant or subdivider of the respective actions of the Planning Commission or City Council within ten days of the decision made. If no final map for all or any of the land shown on the approved tentative tract map is recorded within the initial twenty-four-month approval period or within any subsequent extensions as provided in this section, then all proceedings shall terminate, and no final tract map shall be filed or recorded without first processing a new tentative tract map.
   C.    Filing of Final Map. For the purposes of filing a final tract map, the subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer an original final map tracing, and three blue-line prints thereof. One print shall be returned to the subdivider, showing any corrections to be made or with a statement by the City Engineer that the map is correct. The remaining copies shall be used for other departmental purposes. When the final map is found to be correct and the subdivider has posted all agreements and improvement securities as elsewhere provided in this title or as required by State law and City codes and when the balance of fees, as described in Title 21 of this code, have been paid and all other conditions precedent to the approval of the tentative map have been met, the final map tracing shall be certified by the City Engineer in a statement declaring its correctness, its substantial conformance to the approved tentative map, and the fact that all requirements imposed by the Subdivision Map Act and City codes in effect at the time of approval of the tentative map have been complied with. After signature by the City Engineer the final map shall be put before the City Council for final approval. The City Council, within a period of ten days after the City Engineer has filed the map with them for approval or at the next regular meeting held after its receipt, whichever is later, shall consider the final map. The Council shall approve the final map if it finds that it substantially conforms to the tentative map and to all the applicable sections of the Subdivision Map Act, and local codes and ordinances in effect at the time the tentative map was approved or conditionally approved. If it does not so conform, the Council shall disapprove the final map. If the City Council does not approve or disapprove the final map within the prescribed time, or any authorized extension thereof, and the map conforms to the requirements, it shall be deemed approved, and the City Clerk shall certify its approval thereon. If the final tract map is found not to conform to the aforesaid requirements and its failure to conform is the result of a technical or inadvertent error, the City Council may find that the error does not materially affect the validity of the map, and thereupon approve the final map.
   D.    Acceptance of Dedications. At the time of final map approval, the City Council shall accept all dedications, accept them subject to their improvement, or reject them, or any combination thereof. The City Clerk shall certify on the map the action of the Council. The Council, at the time of final map approval, shall also approve the execution of any required performance agreements entered into by the subdivider as a guarantee of the completion of any public improvements required as a condition precedent to the approval of the tentative map. Upon completion of the required certificates by the City Clerk, the final map shall be returned to the subdivider's title company for transmittal to the County Recorder. After recordation, the subdivider shall provide the Public Works Department with one print thereof, on mylar or other material as approved by the City Engineer, and one reproducible copy which shall both be permanently filed in the office of the City Engineer.
(Ord. 2722 (part), 1990).