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2.85.020   Duties.
   The Commission, a member of which is hereafter referred to as a Commissioner, is given the following powers and duties:
   A.    To act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in the review and development of systems, facilities, plans, policies, and programs which relate to public transportation and circulation within the City;
   B.    To exercise all of the powers and duties provided by Part I, Division 18, of the Streets and Highways Code of California by fulfilling the requirements of a Board of Parking Place Commissioners;
   C.    To act for all vehicle parking districts now existing, and all those that may be hereafter established within the city under Part I, Division 18, of the Streets and Highways Code of California, including vehicle parking district Numbers 1 and 2;
   D.    To review all requests and complaints regarding traffic safety regulations; control devices, signs and markings; public transit systems; trails; bikeways; airport regulations and operations; and to make recommendations to the City Council or to the appropriate City departments pertaining thereto;
   E.    To initiate, assist with and/or submit reports or studies for traffic, traffic safety, vehicle regulatory conditions, airport regulations and operations, trails, bikeways, and public transit and transportation issues as they affect the city, and to make recommendations for corrections, capital improvements or significant operational changes to the appropriate City departments and the City Council;
   F.    To provide such additional assistance with respect to transportation and circulation as may be assigned by the City Council from time to time. (Ord. 2350 § 1 (part), 1981).