The City Manager is authorized to determine whether any item of City-owned personal property is surplus to the present or future needs of the City. He may designate the Director of Finance or the Purchasing Agent to manage this program in his behalf. The City Manager may require a periodic report showing all City personal property which is no longer used or has become obsolete.
A. Such items so declared to be surplus shall be offered for sale on a competitive-bid basis. Bids may be solicited by written request, telephone, public notice posted on City property, by public auction, by advertisements in any newspaper or magazine, or by any combination of such methods.
B. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to sell to the highest bidder. Sale of any item or items with an estimated value in excess of five thousand dollars shall be sold to the highest bidder, in accordance with the formal bill procedures, or any other means provided herein, with the approval of the City Manager.
C. When, after a reasonable effort has been made to obtain bids, no bids have been obtained for any item of City-owned personal property so declared to be surplus, the City Manager or his designee is authorized to dispose of such item for the highest scrap value that can be obtained therefor, and if a reasonable effort to do so produces no opportunity to sell the same for scrap, he may cause its destruction or any other disposition thereof. (Ord. 2483 § 2, 1983).