A. The following signs shall be exempt from the design standards specified within this chapter. A building permit may still be required for the construction, erection or relocation of the sign, depending on its size, height and whether it will be lighted.
1. Name plates or occupational signs not exceeding two square feet in area, containing only the name and occupation or profession of the occupants of the premises on which the sign is displayed.
2. Bulletin boards or identification signs not exceeding 35 square feet in area and not exceeding ten feet in height on the premises of public, charitable or religious institutions.
3. A sign relating to or identifying construction projects, during the construction period.
4. Memorial signs or tablets.
5. Signs located inside a building, except where the sign is painted on an exterior window or door, or so placed as to be viewed primarily from outside a building.
6. Traffic, governmental and public utility signs required or authorized by law.
7. Legal notices.
8. Railroad crossing signs.
9. A sign relating to or identifying a function sponsored by a public agency or non-profit organization, provided that the sign is not installed any earlier than 30 days prior to the event and is removed within three days after the event.
B. The Planning Commission shall have authority to grant a Variance from the design standards specified within this chapter when, because of special circumstances, the compliance with said provisions would deprive the property owner or tenant of privileges commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone. In order for the Planning Commission to grant a Variance, the applicant must meet the requirements of state law pursuant to Chapter 15.68 of this title.
(Ord. 3287 (part), 2020; Ord. 2982, 2001)