Any unclaimed property remaining in the possession of the Police Department after the same has been offered for sale in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and all property the possession of which is prohibited by law, shall be destroyed, or otherwise disposed of according to law, by the Police Department, or may be appropriated for use by the City of Fullerton. All such property so appropriated, and all proceeds received for the sale of any property under the provisions of this chapter shall thereafter be the money and property of the City of Fullerton free from all claims of all other persons. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to require the sale of any property such as narcotics, prescription drugs or other articles, the sale of which is restricted by law, nor the sale of any fresh, frozen, or canned food or other articles, the sale of which might carry a warranty as to its safety for use or consumption, or any property that is so broken, worn out or otherwise without value as to reasonably be classified as trash. The Police Department may, notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary, sell at private sale without notice, destroy, appropriate, or otherwise dispose of, any property described in this chapter that would be likely to perish or become unusable or unsafe for use if held and offered for sale as provided in this chapter, provided, however, that before selling, appropriating, destroying or otherwise disposing of such perishable property, the Police Department shall give notice by mail to the owner or finder thereof, if known to the Police Department and allow five days after the mailing of such notice for the owner or finder to take possession of said perishable property. His failure to do so shall constitute an abandonment thereof and such property, and the proceeds of any sale thereof, shall thereafter belong to the City of Fullerton. (Ord. 1354 § 2 (part), 1964).