A. Applicability:
1. This section shall apply to all new industrial/manufacturing development or major expansion of existing industrial/manufacturing development that is estimated to employ 100 or more persons as determined by the methodology in Subdivision 2 of this subsection.
2. For purposes of determining whether a new development is subject to this section, the total employment figure will be determined as follows:
a. An employment projection developed by the applicant, subject to approval by the Director of Development Services.
b. An employment projection using a standard 525 gross square feet per employee as a factor.
c. The employment projection for a development of mixed or multiple uses shall be calculated on a case-by-case basis, based upon the proportion of development devoted to each type of use.
B. Facility standards:
1. A minimum of ten percent of employee parking spaces (as calculated in accordance with Subsection 15.40.050.C.2 of this chapter) located as close as is practical to the entrance(s) of the use they are intended to serve, shall be reserved and adequately signed for use by carpool and vanpool vehicles.
2. Secure, adequate and convenient storage shall be provided for bicycles.
3. Bus bays, bus stops and bus shelters shall be provided where appropriate.
4. A commuter information area or multiple areas shall be provided within or near each building; the information area(s) shall be centrally located and accessible to all employees and tenants. The information shall include, but not be limited to, current maps, routes and schedules for public transit.
5. A shower and locker room facility for employees of each sex shall be provided in each building of one hundred thousand or more gross square feet. Any development exceeding 100,000 gross square feet, but that does not contain any single building of 100,000 gross square feet, shall provide shower and locker room facilities unless a finding is made that the provision of such facilities is not practical or efficient.
6. Sidewalks or other paved pathways following direct and safe routes from the external pedestrian circulation system to each building in the development shall be provided.
C. Monitoring:
Periodic monitoring of the development may occur to ensure full and continued implementation of the facility standards, as described in Subsection B.
Ord. 3066, (part), 2005:
Ord. 2982, 2001)