(A)   No animals shall be permitted within the improved picnic or play areas of the parks or recreational facilities.
   (B)   No person shall take any dog or other animal on or within any park or recreational facility or property unless it is held by a leash, chain, or cord held by that person at all times. No person shall permit any animal of any kind to run at large upon or within the parks or recreational facility or property, nor shall any animal be tied to any tree, plant, or shrub in any park or recreational facility or property by any person.
   (C)   Any animal that constitutes a physical threat to human beings or other animals by its demeanor or actions shall be prohibited from being in a city park or recreational facility or property.
   (D)   No animal that constitutes a nuisance by odor, noise, or other means shall be permitted in any city park or recreational facility or property.
   (E)   No owner or custodian shall fail to clean up after his or her pet, including, but not limited to, animal feces, in any city park or recreational facility.
(Ord. 5-04, passed 7-14-04)