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   (a)   Infestations. Where evidence of infestation exists, the owner or landlord of a vacant one- or two- family dwelling, a vacant or occupied multifamily dwelling, or any other building, structure or property, shall eliminate infestations of vectors, rodents or other pests. It shall be a defense if the landlord can show that the landlord had a vacant one- or two-family dwelling, a vacant or occupied multifamily dwelling, or any other building, structure or property treated to eliminate vectors, rodents or other pests within the preceding 30 days.
   (b)   Screens.
      (1)   On every dwelling unit not provided with a thermostatically controlled central heating and air conditioning system, all exterior openings capable of being used for ventilation shall be securely screened with 16/18 mesh insect wire to prevent the entrance of vectors and other pests.
      (2)   This requirement shall not apply to exterior doors. All other exterior openings that could allow the entry of vectors and other pests shall be securely screened, closed or sealed.
   (c)   Public toilet and shower facilities. Toilet and shower facilities provided for public use in retail stores, places of public assembly and common areas of a multifamily dwelling shall be maintained in a sanitary and operative condition.
   (d)   Swimming pools, spas, ponds and fountains. Water in swimming pools, spas, ponds, fountains and other containers shall be maintained to prevent the breeding or harborage of insects, and shall not emit odors that are foul and offensive to a person of reasonable sensibilities.
   (e)   Sewage overflow. All areas contaminated by sewage overflow shall be sanitized immediately after servicing is completed.
   (f)   Vacant dwellings. The interiors of all vacant dwelling units shall be maintained free of solid waste. The owner or landlord of a vacant dwelling unit shall not use it for the storage of swimming pool chemicals, cleaning chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides, fertilizers, paints, solvents, gasoline, gasoline-powered equipment or combustible materials of any kind.
   (g)   Public areas. The premises of any building or structure shall be maintained free of weeds or grass in excess of 12 inches and accumulations of solid waste.
   (h)   Solid waste collection in multifamily dwellings.
      (1)   A landlord shall make certain that solid waste is collected from a multifamily dwelling a minimum of once each week. The use of city solid waste collection service is optional for multifamily dwellings. The collection and storage for collection of solid waste at a multifamily dwelling shall conform to the requirements of Article VIII of the environment code of the City of Fort Worth.
      (2)   A landlord who furnishes commercial waste containers at a multifamily dwelling, for city or private collection services, shall maintain such containers in good mechanical condition and shall repair such containers when necessary. Except while being cleaned, the drain plugs of such containers shall be secured in the drain holes to prevent leaking.
      (3)   A landlord who furnishes commercial waste containers at a multifamily dwelling, for city or private collection services, shall cause such containers to be emptied a minimum of once every seven days. The director of the code compliance department, and his authorized representatives, may when necessary to safeguard the environment or the public health, safety or welfare, order a landlord:
         a.   To empty the containers more often than weekly;
         b.   To increase the number of commercial waste containers on their premises; and
         c.   To increase the size of the commercial waste containers used on the premises.
      (4)   A landlord who furnishes commercial waste containers at a multifamily dwelling shall have such containers emptied as often as necessary to prevent their contents from overflowing or causing offensive odors, and shall be responsible for cleaning the interior surfaces of such containers as often as necessary to keep the surfaces free of garbage and other organic material.
      (5)   A landlord who furnishes commercial waste containers, shall have the containers placed on the premises of the multifamily dwelling in a position where the doors and lids will not be obstructed when being opened or closed, and where the containers may be freely serviced or emptied. Commercial waste containers shall not be placed on or over any public rights-of-way, alleys, streets and parkways, in a required parking space or off the premises of the owner’s property.
      (6)   Each person who uses commercial waste containers at a multifamily dwelling for the disposal of putrescible waste, and each landlord of a complex where such containers are located, shall keep all lids and doors of the containers securely closed at all times, except when being emptied or filled. All garbage and rubbish shall be placed in plastic bags, which have been tied or otherwise secured, prior to being placed in such containers.
(Ord. 13743, § 1, passed 3-23-1999; Ord. 23577-03-2019, § 17, passed 3-19-2019)