(a) This section is to require certain standards in the construction of new single-family dwellings or one to four units, duplexes and triplexes that are constructed with city assistance as defined in subsection (b) below, to make houses more accessible for people with disabilities.
(b) The following requirements shall be applicable to the construction of new, single-family dwellings or one to four units, duplexes and triplexes (“applicable dwelling units”), with city assistance. For purposes of this section, “city assistance” shall mean funds for the construction of applicable dwelling units in any city-funded program, with the funding source of CDBG, HOME or any other federal, state or local housing programs.
(c) The following design requirements shall apply:
(1) Requirement 1. Building entrances. Applicable dwelling units must provide at least one building entrance on an accessible route served by a no-step entrance or a ramp in compliance with the CABO/ANSI-A117.1, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities Standard, as adopted by the Fort Worth building code (“accessibility standard”) and having a maximum slope not to exceed one in 12 (1:12); unless it is impractical to do so because of terrain or unusual characteristics of the site as determined by a City of Fort Worth building official (“city building official”) upon review of the written request set forth in subsection (d) below. The building entrance doors shall comply with the accessibility standard and shall have a minimum clear opening of 32 inches. The entrance may be at the front, side or back of a dwelling as long as it is served by an accessible route such as a garage or sidewalk.
(2) Requirement 2. Interior doors. All applicable dwelling units, whether or not on an accessible route, shall provide doors designed to allow sufficient width for the passage of wheel chairs. Except those serving closets less than 15 feet square in area, interior doors within an applicable dwelling unit must provide a minimum of 30 inches clear opening. A two-foot eight-inch door or standard six foot sliding patio door assembly is deemed sufficient to comply with this requirement, provided however, compliance with requirements on maneuvering clearance at doors in the accessibility standard shall not be mandatory.
(3) Requirement 3. Accessible routes into and through the applicable dwelling unit. An applicable dwelling unit must provide an accessible route through the hallways and passageways of the first floor of the unit. Further, the accessible route must provide a minimum width of 36 inches, except through doors, and be level with ramped or beveled changes at door thresholds.
(4) Requirement 4. Wall reinforcement in bathroom. Reinforcement in the walls shall be provided at designated locations as specified by the accessibility standard, so that grab bars may be installed, if needed, at a later date without the necessity of removing portions of the existing wall.
(5) Requirement 5. Light switches, electrical outlets, thermostats and other environmental controls. All applicable dwelling units shall be designed and constructed to contain light switches, electrical outlets, thermostats and other controls in compliance with the requirements of the accessibility standard. Where multiple controls serve the same elements (e.g., two remote switches for a light) only one must be accessible.
(d) (1) Subsection (c) above, requirement 1, building entrances, may be waived by the city building official when in his or her opinion, due to grade or site conditions (“conditions”), access by ramp is unattainable.
(2) A person requesting said waiver shall file a written request (“request”) with the city building official at the City of Fort Worth planning and development department and include all documents necessary to prove the existence of the conditions. The request shall demonstrate that conditions on the site render it impossible to comply with the requirements for exterior accessibility in this section.
(3) Within ten calendar days from the receipt of a completed request, city building official shall render a written decision. A copy of the decision shall be filed in the official records of the planning and development department. Appeals to the city building official’s decision shall be made to the construction and fire prevention board in accordance with § 7-47 of the city code.
(Ord. 14171, §§ 1—4, passed 4-25-2000; Ord. 17522, § 5, passed 4-24-2007)