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   (a)   General.
      (1)   If a large animal is kept in or confined by any building or structure, such as a stable, barn, shed, pen or fence, the separation distances required below shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest point of such building or structure to the nearest point of any regulated structure.
      (2)   Pre-weaned animals will not be counted in calculating the pasture land square footage for each animal.
   (b)   Allowed by right in “A” one-family and “B” two-family districts.
      (1)   A property owner with large animals must provide required pasture land per animal, based on the type of animal to be kept:
         a.   Large animals, with the exception of those listed in subsection (b)(1)b. below, shall require 10,000 square feet per animal; and
         b.   Miniature horses, sheep and goats require 5,000 square feet per animal.
      (2)   A property owner must keep any large animals at least 50 feet away from a regulated structure.
      (3)   A property owner must own a total of one-half acre of contiguous land to keep a large animal. This land may be comprised of several individual lots as long as all lots are under common ownership.
      (4)   A property owner must live on the property with the animals or within one-quarter-mile of the property where the animals are being kept.
   (c)   Allowed by special exception in “A” one- family and “B” two-family districts. Property owners who cannot meet the conditions listed in subsection (b) above may apply to the board of adjustment for a special exception. In granting the special exception, the board shall consider the following:
      (1)   The presence of other large animals being kept within the neighborhood;
      (2)   The quality of the conditions in which the animal(s) are being kept;
      (3)   The distance of the pasture and shelters from regulated structures;
      (4)   The conditions of the barns or stables and their impact on adjacent properties;
      (5)   The provision of parking or storage for any trailers, in accordance with city code;
      (6)   The provision of any additional setback or screening to mitigate possible impacts to adjacent properties; and
      (7)   Whether the property owner was lawfully operating prior to the adoption date of this ordinance
   (d)   Requirements in “AG” agricultural and “K” heavy industrial districts. A property owner must either keep any large animals at least 50 feet away from a regulated structure or provide the required pasture land as follows.
      (1)   Large animals, with the exception of those listed in subsection (d)(2) below, shall require 10,000 square feet per animal.
      (2)   Miniature horses, sheep and goats require 5,000 square feet per animal.
   (e)   Legal nonconforming status. A property owner wanting to claim legal nonconforming status under Chapter 7 Nonconformities must register with the City of Fort Worth, planning and development department, within one year of the adoption date of this ordinance. Such registration would include the number of large animals being kept on the property, the amount of pasture land provided, and the distance from any regulated structure. The large animal use may only be expanded if the use is brought into full compliance with this section.
   (f)   Requirements for city-owned or operated property. City-owned or operated property shall not be subject to subsections (b), (c), (d) and (e) above. Large animals must either be kept at least 50 feet away from a regulated structure or be kept on the required pasture land as follows.
      (1)   Large animals, with the exception of those listed in subsection (f)(2) below, shall require 10,000 square feet per animal.
      (2)   Miniature horses, sheep and goats require 5,000 square feet per animal.
(Ord. 18009, § 1, passed 3-4-2008)