(a) General provisions. Accessory storage structures shall comply with the side and rear setbacks for the primary structure of the applicable zoning district.
(b) Non-habitable accessory uses.
(1) All non-habitable accessory uses must be located behind the front wall of the primary structure that is furthest from the street.
(2) If adjacent to a residential district, the height of the accessory structure shall be limited to a height of ten feet. The height of the accessory structures shall be measured from the ground to the highest point of the structure. The height of the structure may be increased to a maximum height of 12 feet, provided that, for each one foot in height over ten feet, the accessory structure is set back an additional two feet (2:1 ratio) from the rear and side yard setback requirements in the district applicable to the nonresidential use.
(3) Refuse dumpsters and recycling collection containers shall be installed on concrete pads and be screened on all sides from view of a public street or residential area.
(4) Storage containers must not be placed on required parking spaces, and must be located behind the primary structure on street frontages.
(5) Structures intended as a display of inventory for sale are not regulated by this section.
(6) Job trailers/offices are allowed for construction personnel as part of a building permit and tied to the building permit for the duration of the job.
a. Two or more trailers must be spaced a minimum of ten feet apart. A deck may be installed to connect multiple trailers.
b. If the trailer is located off the job site, the following applies:
1. Must be in “E” Neighborhood Commercial or less restrictive zoning district;
2. The office must have a dust free parking surface;
3. Landscaping and a screening fence/bufferyard is not required; and
4. One sign is permitted indicating the nature of construction.
(c) Habitable accessory uses; security residence. One residence may be permitted as an accessory use in nonresidential districts when part of a business for security purposes. A structure classified as a security residence is not intended to serve as a rental unit independent of the business. A temporary structure, such as a mobile home or RV is not permitted as a permanent security residence.
(Ord. 13896, passed 10-12-1999; Ord. 15406, § 3, passed 1-14-2003; Ord. 20454-10-2012, § 3, passed 10-9-2012)