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   (a)   An employee of an adult entertainment cabaret, while appearing in a state of nudity, commits an offense if he or she touches a customer or clothing of a customer.
   (b)   A customer at an adult entertainment cabaret commits an offense if he or she touches an employee appearing in a state of nudity or the clothing of an employee
   (c)   No person shall appear in a state of nudity in an area of the adult entertainment cabaret in an area of the premises that can be viewed from the public right-of-way.
   (d)   An operator commits an offense if the operator fails to display the signs on the interior of the premises as required by this article.
   (e)   An operator commits an offense if he or she permits any customer access to an area of the premises not visible from the manager’s station or not visible by a walk through of the premises without entering a closed area, excluding a restroom.
(Ord. 16118, § 1, passed 9-14-2004)