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   (a)   Utility transmission tower or distribution line.
      (1)   Location. Utility transmission towers and distribution lines and supporting structures owned and/or operated by the city, county or public utility companies, which are necessary for the furnishing of utility services, are permitted in all districts.
      (2)   Accessory uses. The following are permitted as accessory uses in all districts:
         a.   Communication antennas that are mounted on and supported by utility transmission towers, provided that no communication antenna shall extend more than 12 feet above the highest point of the tower; and
         b.   Auxiliary structures housing electronic communications equipment which is necessary for the operation of communication antennas established pursuant to subsection (a)(2)a. above.
      (3)   Exemption from height requirements. District height requirements shall not apply to:
         a.   Utility transmission towers and distribution lines and supporting structures; and
         b.   Communication antennas established in compliance with subsection (a)(2)a. above.
   (b)   Natural gas compressor stations.
      (1)   Unless otherwise specifically stated, variances to the compressor regulations may not be granted by the board of adjustment.
      (2)   Lift compressors.
         a.   Lift compressors shall be allowed in all zoning districts, but shall be restricted to the gas drilling pad site.
         b.   One three-inch caliper tree shall be planted every 40 linear feet along the property line abutting a public right-of-way. No heavy equipment, including, but not limited to, trucks, tractors, trailers, bulldozers, bobcat tractors, trenchers, compressors and hoists shall be allowed inside the critical root zone of any protected tree on any compressor site without the specific approval of the city forester. This requirement shall supersede other landscaping requirements.
         c.   All equipment or buildings associated with the operation of the compressor located in or within 600 feet of residentially used property or from the public right-of-way shall be screened from public view by landscaping, berming, structure or wall constructed of metal, masonry or other structurally sound material as approved by the director of planning and development or his or her designee that significantly screens the equipment and is painted in a non-contrasting soft earth tone color to match the nearby surroundings as nearly as possible. This requirement shall supersede other landscaping requirements.
(Ord. 16995, § 1, passed 6-13-2006; Ord. 17093, § 3, passed 8-8-2006; Ord. 18504-03-2009, § 1, passed 3-3-2009, eff. 3-11-2009; Ord. 20999, § 2, passed 10-15-2013)