Unless a different method of turning is prescribed by law or directed by an official traffic-control device, in which event turning shall be made in accordance with such law or with the directions of such device, the approach for a right turn shall not be begun or made in a bus lane designated as such by an official traffic-control device prior to the midway point of that block preceding the corner at which such right turn is to be executed.
(1964 Code, § 26-47) (Ord. 5045, § 1, passed - -; Ord. 7015, § 3, passed 6-3-1974; Ord. 9252, § 3, passed 11-13-1984)
Buses generally, §§ 34-16 et seq.
(a) The driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection of a different street or roadway shall stop, yield and grant the privilege of immediate use of such intersection in obedience to any stop sign, yield right-of-way sign or traffic-control device erected by public authority, and after so stopping, may only proceed thereafter when such driver may safely enter the intersection without interference or collision with traffic using such different street or roadway.
(b) The driver of a vehicle on a single lane street or roadway, or a street or roadway consisting of only two traffic lanes, upon approaching the intersection, not otherwise controlled by traffic signs or signals, of a divided street or roadway, or of a street or roadway divided into three or more marked traffic lanes, shall stop, yield and grant the privilege of immediate use of such intersection to vehicles on such other street which are within the intersection or approaching such intersection in such proximity thereto as to constitute a hazard and after so stopping may only proceed thereafter when such driver may safely enter the intersection without interference or collision with traffic using such different street or roadway.
(c) The driver of a vehicle on an unpaved street or roadway approaching the intersection of a paved roadway shall stop, yield and grant the privilege of immediate use of such intersection to any vehicle on such paved roadway which is within the intersection or approaching such intersection in such proximity thereto as to constitute a hazard, and after so stopping may only proceed thereafter when such driver may safely enter the intersection without interference or collision with traffic using such paved street or roadway.
(d) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, the driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection of a different street or roadway, not otherwise regulated herein, or controlled by traffic- control signs or signals, shall stop, yield and grant the privilege of immediate use of such intersection to any other vehicle which has entered the intersection from such driver’s right or is approaching such intersection from such driver’s right in such proximity thereto as to constitute a hazard and after so stopping may only proceed thereafter when such driver may safely enter such intersection without interference or collision with traffic using such different street or roadway.
(e) The driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection of a street or roadway from a street or roadway which terminates at the intersection, not otherwise regulated in this section or controlled by traffic-control signs or signals, shall stop, yield and grant the privilege of immediate use of the intersection to another vehicle which has entered the intersection from the other street or roadway or is approaching the intersection on the other street or roadway in such proximity as to constitute a hazard and after stopping may only proceed when the driver may safely enter the intersection without interference or collision with the traffic using the other street or roadway.
(f) A driver obligated to stop and yield the right-of-way in accord with subsections (a) through (e) of this section who is involved in a collision or interference with other traffic at such intersection is presumed not to have yielded the right-of-way as required by this chapter.
(g) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Tex. Transportation Code §§ 545.151 through 545.153
(a) When restricted. U-turns are restricted as follows.
(1) Midblock. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to turn such vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction or to make a 180-degree turn on any street between street intersections, except on divided roadways where median openings are provided for such movements.
(2) Signalized intersections. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to turn such vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction or make a 180-degree turn at any intersection where traffic is controlled by signal lights, except at intersections on divided roadways during the left-turn signal phase.
(b) When prohibited. At no time shall U-turns be permitted, either at intersections or median openings, where signs prohibiting such movements are erected.
(c) Required conditions. At no time shall U-turns be made unless such movement can be made in safety and without backing or otherwise interfering with other traffic.
(1964 Code, § 26-49) (Ord. 8949, § 1, passed 10-18-1983)