(A)   The Commission shall consist of 25 members. Membership of the Commission and initial terms shall be as follows. All members shall be appointed by the specific agency or entity named below. If no appointment is made within 30 days of the approval of this subchapter, or if the identified agency is unable to make an appointment within 30 days of a vacancy, the Commission may make an appointment as an at-large member for the duration of the term.
Initial term
Initial term
Fort Wayne Common Council (4)
2 yrs.
Mayor's Office (4)
2 yrs.
Fort Wayne Police Dept.
2 yrs.
Allen County Sheriff Dept.
2 yrs.
Metropolitan Human Relations Commission
2 yrs.
Allen County Prosecuting Attorney's Office
2 yrs.
Center for Non-Violence
1 yr.
YWCA of Northeast Indiana
1 yr.
Fort Wayne Urban League
1 yr.
Fort Wayne NAACP
1 yr.
Women’s Fund
(Community Foundation)
1 yr.
Director of Victim’s Assistance
2 yrs.
Sexual Assault Treatment Center
1 yr.
Fort Wayne Community Schools
1 yr.
Amani Family Services
1 yr.
A member of the Allen County Family and Children's Division, Department of Child Protective Services
1 yr.
Local Hospital ER Nurse Educators (2)
1 yr.
Member/representative of community social service agency     selected by members of the Commission
1 yr.
   (B)   After the expiration of the initial terms, appointments shall be for a term of two years. Appointments shall be made within 30 days of the date of approval of this subchapter.
   (C)   The members of the Commission shall, within 30 days after the last initial appointment is made, meet and elect a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary.
(Ord. G-09-93, passed 3-9-93; Am. Ord. G-39-03, passed 11-25-03; Am. Ord. G-29-17, passed 11-28-17; Am. Ord. G-4-23, passed 2-14-23)