§ 113.55 HAND WASHING.
   Before starting to work, all food establishment personnel shall thoroughly wash their hands, arms and fingernails with soap and warm water and use such other facilities as to assure good personal hygiene of the hands, arms and fingernails. Such hand washing must be repeated during working hours after smoking, after using the restrooms, after coughing or sneezing into the hands, after touching the face, hair or any other body part(s), or as often as may be necessary to remove soil and contamination. The hands and fingernails of all food establishment personnel are to be kept out of their hair, nose and mouth and are to be kept clean while engaged in handling food and food contact surfaces. Except for essential taste testing in an approved manner, food establishment personnel are not to consume food or beverages during the preparation or serving of any food.
(Ord. G-07-91, passed 2-28-91; Am. Ord. G-26-98, passed 6-9-98)