(A)   In order that the Corporation can successfully fulfill its functions of providing good and sufficient housing at a fair and reasonable cost, the Managing Director of the Corporation, upon approval by the Director of the Department of Community Development and Planning, is authorized to debar contractors (individuals and companies) for a period of up to three years upon a determination that such contractors:
      (1)   Lack integrity; or
      (2)   Have a record of poor performance; or
      (3) Lack financial capability.
   (B)   All such debarment action shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Indiana Administrative Adjudication Act, and shall not exceed three years except upon a rehearing.
   (C)   The decision of the Managing Director shall be final.
   (D)   During the term of the debarment, no contracts shall be awarded by the Corporation or by the Department of Community Development and Planning, to the company or person debarred or any company or person with which that company or person is affiliated or employed. Furthermore, during the term of the debarment the Corporation shall not fund any contracts or pay any monies, except for monies legally owing for work performed prior to the period of the debarment, to the company or person debarred or any company or person with which that company or person is affiliated or employed.
   (E)   Nothing herein contained shall limit the right of the Managing Director of Housing and Neighborhood Development Services, Inc., or the Director of the Department of Community Development and Planning to declare a contractor not responsible or responsive or to award a contract to the lowest and best bidder.
('74 Code, § 2-91) (Ord. S-98-82, passed 6-8-82)