§ 33.077 PURPOSE.
   Such Corporation shall carry out its activities within its territorial jurisdiction as defined herein, and shall be organized and operated for the following specific purposes:
   (A)   To provide technical services and other consultant services and assistance at reasonable fees, to assist profit and nonprofit sponsors of housing construction or rehabilitation for low and moderate income occupancy in the development and management of such housing;
   (B)   To serve as interim sponsor-developer/ mortgagor of new or rehabilitated housing units until conveyance to appropriate permanent sponsor/mortgagors, or as permanent sponsor-developer/mortgagor of such housing until such conveyance occurs, with emphasis upon facilitating home ownership by persons and families of low and moderate income;
   (C)   To provide financial and technical assistance to owners and purchasers of real property for the purchase, restoration, reconstruction, rehabilitation and improvement of real property;
   (D)   To promote, assist and fund special purpose programs, including home ownership counseling, maintenance and family budget counseling, for the strengthening of family stability, neighborhood conservation and to combat neighborhood and community deterioration;
   (E)   To foster and promote the rehabilitation of residential and mixed use properties;
   (F)   To promote the establishment of local housing sponsor, development and management organizations;
   (G)   To promote education, training and counseling programs in residential housing construction and management skills for sponsors of housing, and for other persons now unskilled or semiskilled, presently employed or underemployed with emphasis on expanding employment opportunities in the home building and construction industries;
   (H)   To promote responsible ownership, management and entrepreneurship in the contracting and subcontracting residential housing construction industry, with emphasis upon developing ownership ventures in inner-city areas, owned and operated by local residents;
   (I)   To promote proven and innovative techniques, programs and attempts by private industry, financial institutions and others to design, construct, remodel and rehabilitate and finance housing of long-term durability.
('74 Code, § 2-78) (Ord. G-25-75, passed - -75)