(A)   Each audit will result in a written report.
   (B)   The Director of Internal Audit shall submit each audit report to the audited agency, City Council, Mayor and Audit Committee and shall retain a copy in his or her office as a permanent record.
   (C)   If appropriate, the audit report shall contain the professional conclusions of the audit regarding the management activities audited. Financial statements issued shall contain the professional opinion of the contract auditor.
   (D)   The Director of Internal Audit shall include in the audit reports:
      (1)   A precise statement of the scope encompassed by the audit;
      (2)   A statement that the audit was performed
in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards;
      (3)   A statement that an examination for compliance with applicable laws, policies and regulations was conducted, and presentation of the findings associated with that examination;
      (4)   A statement of the significant audit findings, including a statement of the underlying cause, evaluative criteria used and the current and prospective significance of the findings;
      (5)   A statement that internal control systems were examined and a report of any material weaknesses found.
      (6)   Statements of response submitted by the audited department, board or agency relevant to the audit findings;
      (7)   A concise statement of the corrective actions previously taken or contemplated as a result of the audit findings and a timetable for their accomplishment;
      (8)   Recommendations for additional necessary or desirable action.
   (E)   Agency response. A final draft of the audit report will be forwarded to the audited agency and the Mayor for review and comment before it is released. The agency must respond in writing, specifying agreement with audit findings and recommendations or reasons for disagreement with findings and/or recommendations, plans for implementing solutions to identified problems and a timetable to complete such activities. The response shall be forwarded to the Director of Internal Audit within 30 days. The Director of Internal Audit will include the full text of the agency's response in the report. The draft and response will be taken to the Audit Committee for approval. The report shall then be available for public release. If a response is not received, the report will be reviewed for approval and may be issued without a response.
('74 Code, § 2-146) (Ord. G-12-90, passed 4-24-90; Am. Ord. G-5-13, passed 3-26-13)