(A)   Pursuant to IC 36-4-9-4, there are hereby created the following executive divisions of the city:
      (1)   Public Works. Headed by a Director of Public Works. This Division shall be responsible for normal public works activities. It shall perform those duties, functions and obligations as required and/or allowed by state statute and ordinance and those duties, functions and obligations otherwise assigned from time to time. This Division shall be responsible for parking administration, street engineering, water resources, engineering and maintenance, public works construction and the operation of all city utilities.
      (2)   Public Safety. Headed by a Director of Public Safety. This Division shall perform those duties, functions and obligations as required and/or allowed by state law and ordinance and those duties, functions and obligations otherwise assigned from time to time. This Division shall be responsible for the activities of the Police Department, Fire Department, Emergency Medical Services, animal control and communications of this city.
      (3)   Community Services. Headed by a Director of Community Services. This Division shall perform those duties, functions and obligations as required and/or allowed by state law and ordinance and those duties, functions and obligations otherwise assigned from time to time. This Division shall be responsible for the administration and coordination with other municipal functions including job training partnership; public/private unemployment assistance, as it now exists or as it may develop, in response to community need; social services; public need; and aviation; and the coordination of municipal services with community organizations.
      (4)   Division of Community and Economic Development. Headed by a Director of Community and Economic Development. This Division shall perform those duties, functions and obligations as required and/or allowed by state statute and ordinance and those duties, functions and obligations otherwise assigned from time to time. It shall be responsible for the administration of all planning activities of the city; minimum housing and public housing of the city; central code enforcement; and community development planning activities.
      (5)   Economic Development. Headed by a Director of Economic Development. This Division shall perform those duties, functions and obligations as required and/or allowed by state statute and ordinance and those duties, functions and obligations otherwise assigned from time to time. Not by way of limitation, this Division shall be responsible for all economic development and redevelopment activities of the city.
      (6)   Administration and Finance. Headed by the City Controller. This Division shall perform those duties, functions and obligations as required and/or allowed by state statute and ordinance and those duties, functions and obligations otherwise assigned from time to time. Not by way of limitation, this Division shall be responsible for all fiscal, contract compliance functions, personnel, labor, data processing, purchasing and utility administration functions of the city.
      (7)   Public Parks. Headed by a Director of Public Parks, it shall perform those duties, functions and obligations as required and/or allowed by state statute and ordinance and those duties, functions and obligations as assigned from time to time including, but not limited to, those powers given to the Department of Public Parks as a separate department of the city pursuant to IC 36-10-4 et seq., as adopted pursuant to § 33.020. Not by way of limitation, this division shall be responsible for all parks and recreation activities of the city.
      (8)   Executive Office of the Mayor. Headed by a Director of Staff, it shall perform duties required to develop administration policy in response to community need. This Division shall include management and budget analysis, community relations, public information, and supportive executive staff of the Mayor and the Mayor's office. In addition, the City Attorney and his staff shall be part of the executive office of the Mayor, reporting directly to the Mayor.
   (B)   The above-stated divisions shall be all of the executive divisions or departments of the city. Appointment of division heads shall be pursuant to the terms of IC 36-4-9-2.
('74 Code, § 1-12.1) (Ord. G-03-84, passed 2-14-84)