The Fort Wayne Commission on African-American Males shall:
   (A)   Develop annual and long-range goals.
   (B)   Develop action committees addressing:
      (1)   Neighborhoods
      (2)   Criminal Justice
      (3)   Education
      (4)   Employment
      (5)   Health
      (6)   Social Factors
      (7)   Awareness and Conference Planning which may use resource individuals who are not members of the Commission.
   (C)   Develop and coordinate information and programs of public institutions, the private sector, associations and individuals which address problems facing black males, such as poverty, violence, drug abuse, racism, debilitating health problems, under-education, under-employment and unemployment that promote self-destructive behaviors which exasperate a myriad of community problems.
   (D)   Serve as a catalyst and broker to facilitate a common foundation upon which viable courses of action can be initiated, monitored, evaluated, and fine-tuned in order to promote positive public and private remedies to the multifaceted problems confronting black males in our community and the resulting effects on the entire community.
   (E)   Network with the African-American Male National Council, the Indiana Commission on the Social Status of Black Males and all local commissions operating throughout the state by sharing ideas, information, statistical data, and action plans.
   (F)   Issue an annual written report summarizing the results of each of the above-described duties and responsibilities, and provide recommendations for improvement. The Commission shall submit such report to the Fort Wayne City Council at its first regular meeting in March of each year. The City of Fort Wayne shall, at its expense, provide copies of such reports to each Commission member, all appointing authorities, and make copies of same available to members of the public through the City Clerk's Office.
(Ord. G-14-99, passed 8-24-99)