(A)   Automobile and truck sales, service and storage;
   (B)   Building material sales;
   (C)   Feed and seed stores;
   (D)   Implement sales and services;
   (E)   Assembly and packaging;
   (F)   Drop-off, buyback or transfer sites for recyclables;
   (G)   Contractor shops and storage yards;
   (H)   Frozen food lockers;
   (I)   Freight handling;
   (J)   Kennels;
   (K)   Light manufacturing or processing;
   (L)   Mixed business/residential uses;
   (M)   Animal grooming salons;
   (N)   Mini storage facilities; and
   (O)   Vacation homes.
(Prior Code, § Q-6-206) (Ord. 809, passed - -; Ord. 865, passed - -; Ord. 884, passed - -; Ord. 961, passed - -; Ord. 1032, passed - -; Ord. 1036, passed - -)