(A)   The city will issue a license unless:   
      (1)   The applicant has made a false statement on the application or submits false records or documentation;
      (2)   Any owner, principal officer or board member of the applicant is under the age of 21 years;
      (3)   Any owner, principal officer or board member of the applicant has been convicted of a violent felony offense in the previous ten years in any jurisdiction;
      (4)   The proposed location does not meet the applicable zoning requirements under Ch. 159 of this code;
      (5)   The proposed location does not meet all location requirements under SDCL Ch. 34-20G and the administrative rules promulgated thereunder;
      (6)   The license is to be used for a business prohibited by state or local law, statute, rule, ordinance or regulation;
      (7)   Any owner, principal officer or board member of the applicant has had a cannabis establishment license revoked by the city or a registration certificate revoked by the state;
      (8)   An applicant, or an owner, principal officer or board member thereof, is overdue in payment to the city of taxes, fees, fines or penalties assessed against or imposed upon the applicant in relation to any cannabis establishment; or
      (9)   The applicant will not be operating the business for which the license would be issued.
   (B)   In the case of an application for a cannabis establishment license, the city will reject the application if the limit on the number of cannabis establishments has been reached.
   (C)   An application for a cannabis cultivating facility or a cannabis manufacturing facility will only be accepted from a cannabis dispensary applicant or license holder.
   (D)   When considering an application for a cannabis establishment license, consideration may be given to the observations and results of any inspection of the intended premises, the location and impact to the public that may result, the manner in which the applicant has previously operated a cannabis establishment or other business licensed by the city and history of compliance with city ordinances and state law.
   (E)   If more applications are received than the number of licenses available and all applicants are equally qualified for said license, the license will be issued to the first qualified license application received. Applications cannot be submitted until notification of available license has been posted and documented.
   (F)   The license must be posted in a conspicuous place at or near the entrance to the cannabis establishment so that it may be easily read at any time.
(Prior Code, § S-5-5) Penalty, see § 113.99