There is hereby imposed a charge of $15 on any person or legal entity making payment to the city of any tax, assessment, fee, penalty, fine or other charge by check, draft or other similar instrument, which check, draft or other similar instrument is returned to the city by the bank or other financial institution upon which the check, draft or other financial institution upon which the check, draft or other similar instrument is drawn due to insufficient funds or for any other reason other than an error or fault of the city. The $15 charge shall be due and payable to the city in full immediately and the charge shall be added to and collected with the amount of the tax, assessment, fee, penalty, fine or other charge for which the check, draft or other similar instrument was given to the city. The $15 charge shall be in addition to all other fines, penalties or other charges due to the city arising out of the transaction for which the check, draft or other similar instrument was tendered and/or arising out of the return to the city of the check, draft or other similar instrument.
('88 Code, § 33.10) (Ord. 1992-1, passed 2-3-92)