Sec. 2-29.  Establishment of the Fremont Community Joint Planning Commission.
   a.   Formation of the Fremont Community Joint Planning Commission.  The City of Fremont approves the establishment of a joint planning commission pursuant to Michigan Public Act 226 of 2003, as amended (MCL § 125.131 et seq.) and the City Charter, Section 7.8 "City Planning Commission," and shall enter into and adhere to the agreement establishing the Fremont Community Joint Planning Commission among the City of Fremont, Dayton Township and Sheridan Charter Township regarding the formation, composition and operation of the Fremont Community Joint Planning Commission.
   b.   Severability.  If any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this section shall for any reason be finally adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this section, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment is rendered.
   c.   Repeal.  All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the city inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed so far as they may be inconsistent with the provisions of this section.
   d.   Saving clause.  The adoption of this section by the city shall not be deemed to vacate the appointments, duties, responsibilities and operation of the Fremont Planning Commission under statute and law pertaining to home rule cities currently in effect or as amended until such time as a Joint Master Plan is approved and a Joint Zoning Ordinance is adopted by all of the legislative bodies of the participating municipalities who are party to the Fremont Community Joint Planning Agreement.
   e.   Effective date.  This section shall take effect following its adoption and publication pursuant to the procedures outlined in §9 of Michigan Public Act 226 of 2003 (MCL § 125.139) and those of the Fremont City Charter.
(Ord. O-06-02, 8-2-06; Ord. O-06-04, 10-16-06)