The town adopts the following security procedure;
   (A)   All accounts will be opened in person at the Town Hall;
   (B)   Paper documents, files and electronic media containing secure information will be stored in locked file cabinets;
   (C)   Only specially identified employees with a legitimate need, will have keys to the cabinet, the Clerk-Treasurer, Utility Clerk and Administrative Clerk;
   (D)   Files containing personally identifiable information are kept in locked file cabinets except when an employee is working on the file;
   (E)   Employees will not leave sensitive papers out on their desks when they are away from their workstations;
   (F)   Employees will store files and lock cabinets when leaving their work areas;
   (G)   Employees will log off their computers when leaving their work areas;
   (H)   Visitors who must enter areas where sensitive files are kept must be escorted by an employee of the town;
   (I)   Passwords will not be shared or posted near workstations;
   (J)   Password-activated screen savers will be used to lock employee computers after a period of inactivity;
   (K)   Access to sensitive information will be controlled using passwords. Employees will choose passwords with a mix of letters and numbers and change monthly. User name will be different from password;
   (L)   Anti-virus and anti-spyware programs will be run on individual computers and on servers daily;
   (M)   The computer network will have a firewall where the network connects to the internet;
   (N)   The town will check references and do background checks before hiring employees who will have access to sensitive data;
   (O)   New employees will sign an agreement to follow the company’s confidentiality and security standards for handling sensitive data;
   (P)   Access to customer’s personal identity information is limited to employees with a “need to know”;
   (Q)   Procedures exist for making sure that workers who leave the town or transfer to another part of the company, no longer have access to sensitive information;
   (R)   Employees will be trained twice a year;
   (S)   Employees will be alert to attempts at phone phishing;
   (T)   Employees who violate security policy are subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal;
   (U)   Sensitive paper records will be shredded with a minimum of a cross cut shredder before being placed into the trash; and
   (V)   Any data with sensitive storage media will be disposed of by shredding, punching holes in or incineration.
(Res. 2009-02, passed 4-21-2009)