All applications, requests for plat approval, notices, affidavits, certificates, endorsements and instruments assuring the completion and maintenance of improvements required by the provisions of this ordinance shall be submitted to the Administrator or prepared by the Administrator on the following forms:
(1) Application for Minor Sketch Plan Review, Primary Approval and Certificate
(2) Application for Major Sketch Plan Review and Certificate
(3) Request for Primary Approval of a Major Subdivision Plat
(4) Notice of Public Hearing on Subdivision Plat
(5) Notice to Interested Parties
(6) Affidavit of Notice to Interested Parties
(7) Acknowledgment
(8) Request for Secondary Approval of Subdivision Plat
(9) Certificate of Approval
(10) Dedication Certificate
(11) Subdivision Performance Bond
(12) Performance Bond Secured by Deposit in Escrow Account
(13) Irrevocable Letter of Credit
(14) Maintenance Bond
(15) Statement of Compliance (Exempt Divisions)
The Commission shall adopt a form of the foregoing forms, and in addition, shall determine the need for and the form of any additional of amended applications, requests for plat approval, notices, affidavits, certificates, endorsements and instruments as may be required in the enforcement of this Ordinance, which forms shall be made available at the office of the Administrator.
(1996 Code, Chap. 11, App. A)