144.02 DUTIES.
   The duties of the Fremont Tree and Beautification Commission shall be as follows:
   (a)    To study the problems and determine the needs of Fremont in connection with a tree management and beautification program.
   (b)    To encourage the participation of garden clubs, conservation groups, civic groups, service clubs, environmental organizations and all other similar organizations in the beautification of Fremont.
   (c)    To work with other City commissions such as the Park and Recreation Advisory Board in creating long-range plans for development of new parks and parkways, beautifying existing rivers and Fremont in general.
   (d)    To assist City officials, members of Council and citizens in the management of tree and other floras within the City.
   (e)    To make recommendations in writing to Council from time to time concerning desired legislation governing the management of trees within the City and the general beautification of the City.
   (f)    To conduct one regular meeting on the first Tuesday of every month excluding December and January, subject to change by the Executive Board. Special Board meetings shall be held as called by the President. At such meetings, the subject of trees and beautification insofar as it relates to the City shall be discussed by members of the commission, City officers and personnel and interested citizens.
   (g)    To organize an annual Arbor Day Observance.
   (h)    Establish and maintaining a memorial fund.
(Ord. 96-2978. Passed 12-5-96.)