1177.08 REMEDIES.
   (a)    Injunction, Mandamus, and Abatement. If any building is located or is proposed to be located, erected, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, changed, maintained or used, or any land is used or is proposed to be used, in violation of this Zoning Ordinance, or any amendment or supplement thereto, the Zoning Inspector, the Law Director, or any adjacent or neighboring property owner who would be especially damaged by the violation, in addition to other remedies provided by law, may institute injunction, mandamus, abatement or any other appropriate action or proceeding to prevent, enjoin, abate or remove the unlawful location, erection, construction, reconstruction, enlargement, change, maintenance or use.
   (b)    Withhold Permit.
      (1)    City officials may deny or withhold all permits, certificates or other forms of authorization on any land or structure or improvements thereon upon which there is an uncorrected violation of a provision of this Zoning Ordinance or of a condition or qualification of a permit, certificate, approval or other authorization previously granted by the City. This provision applies regardless of whether the current owner or applicant is responsible for the violation in question.
      (2)    Instead of withholding or denying a permit or other authorization, City officials may grant such authorization subject to the condition that the violation be corrected by a specified time. City officials are also authorized to require adequate financial assurances that such correction will be made.
         (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)