The manner in which persons responsible for an alleged violation of this Zoning Ordinance respond to the notice of violation shall determine the course of action taken by the Zoning Inspector as follows:
   (a)    Correction of Violation Within Time Limit. If, within the time limit set, the alleged violation is corrected, as determined by the Zoning Inspector, "violation corrected" shall be noted on his copy of the notice and retained as official City records.
   (b)    Petition for Appeal. If, within the time limit set, persons responsible for the alleged violation petition the Board of Zoning Appeals for an administrative review to determine whether or not there is an error by the Zoning Inspector in regard to the interpretation of this Zoning Ordinance, then no legal action shall be initiated by the City against those responsible for the alleged violation until after the Board has made its determination.
   (c)    Request for Extension of Time. If a reply is received within the time limit set indicating that an alleged violation will be corrected, but that more time is required than was granted by the original notice, the Zoning Inspector may grant an extension of time, if he or she deems such extension is warranted by the circumstances of the case, and if such extension will not, in his or her opinion, cause imminent peril to life, health or property. In acting on such a request, the Zoning Inspector shall state his or her reasons in writing, for granting or refusing to grant the extension and shall transmit the same by certified mail, return receipt requested, or other means to ensure actual notice, to those to whom original notice was sent.
   (d)    No Correction and No Reply. If there is no reply within the time limit set, thus establishing an admission of the violation as provided in Section 1177.02: Notice of Violation, and the alleged violation is not corrected to the satisfaction of the Zoning Inspector within the time limit set, he or she shall take or cause to be taken such action as is warranted by the continuation of an admitted violation.
      (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)