Design of Front Facades.
   (a)    Front facades fifty (50) feet wide or wider shall incorporate wall offsets in the form of projections and/or recesses in the facade plan a minimum of every forty (40) feet of facade frontage.
Figure 1151.05-1 Facade offsets for Multi-family Structures
   (b)    Wall offsets shall have a minimum depth of two (2) feet.
   (c)    In addition to wall offsets, front facades shall provide a minimum of three (3) of the following design features for each facade that faces onto a public or private street:
      (1)    One or more dormer windows or cupolas;
      (2)    A recessed entrance;
      (3)    A covered porch;
      (4)    Pillars, posts, or pilasters;
      (5)    One or more bay windows with a minimum twelve (12) inch projection from the facade plane;
      (6)    Eaves with a minimum of six (6) inch projection from the facade plane; and/or
      (7)    A parapet wall with an articulated design, which entails design variation rather than a simple rectilinear form.
         (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)