(a)    Building Orientation. Buildings shall be parallel to the street they front unless an alternate orientation is consistent with existing adjacent development.
   (b)    Primary Entrances. The primary entrances of buildings shall be oriented:
      (1)    Towards a street along the perimeter of the development; or
      (2)    Towards streets or roadways in the interior of the development if none of the building’s facades has frontage on a public street or as approved under the site plan review provisions of Chapter 1161.
   (c)    General Building Facade Requirements. The following shall apply to new nonresidential development regardless if it is infill development or a “Greenfield” development.
      (1)    Blank building walls facing streets are prohibited;
      (2)    Rear and side facades, if visible from public streets, shall have a similar architectural treatment as utilized on the primary or front facade; and
      (3)    These requirements shall not apply to those walls that are not visible from a street and only visible from an alley, or the rear yard of another nonresidential site.
         (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)