(a)    A preferred tree species list shall be maintained in the Zoning Department. Species from this list shall be used to supplement the required species. Tree species proposed for use that are not contained on the list shall be subject to acceptance by the Fremont Tree and Beautification Committee.
   (b)    The following tree species shall be specifically prohibited from use in required landscaping in Fremont, Ohio:
      (1)    Box Elder (acer Negundo);
      (2)    Silver Maple (Acer Saccharinum);
      (3)    Catalpa (Catalpa Speciosa);
      (4)    Mulberry (Morus Alba);
      (5)    Poplars, all kinds (Populus);
      (6)    Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacia);
      (7)    Willow, all kinds (Salix);
      (8)    Chinese Elm (Ulmus Pumila);
      (9)    Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus Altissima); and
      (10)    Any tree or shrub deemed undesirable as to species or location.
         (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)