(a)    Generally.
      (1)    Interior portions of off-street parking facilities which are not specifically designed as parking spaces or maneuvering areas shall not be paved for vehicle use.
      (2)    Said areas shall be planted and permanently maintained with trees and shrubs, and finished with ground cover or other landscape material. Interior parking landscaping shall insofar as possible, be used to delineate and guide major traffic movement within off-street parking areas and other vehicular use areas to prevent cross-space driving, whenever possible.
      (3)    A portion of the landscaping for interior parking spaces not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total requirement, may be relocated so as to emphasize vehicular accessways to the general parking area, if helpful in achieving better traffic patterns or use or in achieving greater overall aesthetic effect.
   (b)    Maximum Number of Continuous Parking Spaces.
      (1)    At least ten percent (10%) of the area devoted to parking or other vehicular use shall be landscaped.
      (2)    This shall include all impervious surfaces except the building footprint and any sidewalk areas. Each separate landscaped area shall contain a minimum of fifty (50) square feet of planting area, with a minimum of at least five (5) feet.
      (3)    These landscaped areas shall be placed at intervals of no more than ten (10) parking spaces and, shall include at least one (1) canopy tree or equivalent grouping.
      (4)    The total number of trees shall not be less than one (1) for each one hundred square feet, or fraction thereof, of required interior landscaped area.
      (5)    The remaining area shall be adequately landscaped with shrubs, ground cover or other authorized landscape treatment, not to exceed three (3) feet in height and excluding paving.
   (c)    Termination of Parking Rows. Each row of interior parking spaces shall be terminated at each end by a landscaped area which shall be a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet with a minimum dimension of ten (10) feet. These landscaped areas must have one (1) tree of a minimum height of seven (7) feet at the time of planting and an average mature spread of crown greater than fifteen (15) feet.
   (d)    Curbing. All interior landscaping areas shall be curbed to prevent vehicular encroachment.
   (e)    Exemptions.
      (1)    Interior landscaping shall not be required for areas zoned for industrial use.
      (2)    Interior landscaping is not required when the paved portion of the lots has fifty (50) parking spaces or less.
Figure 1147.07-1 Parking lot showing 10 percent interior landscaping
(Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)