(a)    Shared Parking. A group of adjacent properties may provide a shared parking area if all of the following criteria are met:
      (1)    Minimum Number of Parking Spaces Required. The shared lot shall provide at least eighty percent (80%) of the cumulative total of parking spaces required for each use.
      (2)    Reciprocal Parking Agreement. A written reciprocal parking agreement signed by all property owners involved is required.
      (3)    Ownership and Liability. A legal shared parking agreement shall be submitted to and approved by the City Law Director, that provides for the rights of the respective parties to use the shared parking areas in a manner adequate to accommodate multiple users or that parking spaces will be shared at specific times of the day (i.e., one activity uses the spaces during daytime hours and another activity uses the spaces during evening hours). This agreement shall include provisions, evidence of deed restrictions or other recorded covenants that ensure that the spaces will be properly maintained during the life of the development.
      (4)    The approved shared parking agreement shall be submitted with the application for a zoning permit and shall be filed with the Sandusky County Recorder and recorded in a manner as to encumber all properties involved in the shared parking agreement.
   (b)    Off-site Parking.
      (1)    Parking spaces required by this Chapter may be located off-site on property under the same ownership as the use the parking spaces are intended to serve. No off-site parking space may be located more than 1,000 feet from the primary entrance of the use served, measured along the shortest legal, practical walking route. The site must be properly zoned and have all proper approvals for off street parking areas.
      (2)    Parking spaces required by this Chapter may be located on property under separate ownership from the use the parking is intended to serve as long as the following conditions are satisfied:
         A.    The applicant(s) demonstrates that one or more uses located offsite exceed the minimum number of parking spaces required by this Chapter and are willing to allocate a certain number of the excess spaces to another use to meet its minimum number of required spaces.
         B.    The site is properly zoned and has all proper approvals for off street parking areas.
         C.    Off-site parking spaces intended to serve customers and clientele must be located within 500 feet, and spaces intended to serve employees and staff within 1,000 feet of the buildings or uses requiring the parking. The 500 and 1,000 feet requirements shall be measured from the nearest point of the property on which the parking spaces are located to the primary entrance of the use served along the shortest legal, practical walking route.
         D.    All parties shall execute a properly drawn legal instrument/agreement providing for the shared use of the off-site parking area. This instrument/agreement shall be submitted and approved by the City Law Director and shall include provisions, evidence of deed restrictions or other recorded covenants that ensure that the spaces will be properly maintained during the life of the development.
         E.    The approved off-site instrument/agreement shall be submitted with the application for a zoning permit and shall be filed with the Sandusky County Recorder and recorded in a manner as to encumber all properties involved in the off-street parking instrument/agreement.
            (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)