(a)    Measurements. Setbacks refer to the unobstructed, unoccupied open area between the furthermost projection of a structure and the property line of the lot on which the structure is located. Setbacks shall not contain any structure except when in conformance with this Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)    Yards Required for Buildings. A yard or other open space required for a building shall not be included as part of a yard or other open space for another building.
   (c)    Variation in Front Yard. In any residential district, no front yard depth shall be required to exceed the average minimum depths of the existing front yards on the lots adjacent to each side, if each of such lots is within the same block and within 100 feet of the principal building. Modification of the front yard in accordance with this Section will not create a nonconforming lot unless the lot or structure does not meet other applicable provisions of this Zoning Ordinance.
      Figure 1143.07-1: Illustration of the averaging of front yard setbacks. For example, in a district with a minimum front yard setback requirement of 50 feet, smaller setbacks may be allowed if the average front yard setbacks of surrounding properties are less than 50 feet.
   (d)    Architectural Projections.
      (1)    Projections Permitted. Projections into required yard areas are permitted as follows:
         A.   Architectural features such as canopies, cornices, eaves and other similar features may project not more than four (4) feet.
         B.   Bay windows, balconies or chimneys may project into a front, side or rear yard a distance not exceeding three (3) feet, provided that the aggregate width of such projections shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the length of the wall upon which it is located.
      (2)    Projections for Disability Improvements. Ramps, elevators, escalators, and similar improvements or devices constructed or installed to provide access by persons with disabilities may extend or project into a required front, side or rear yard to the extent necessary to conform the accessibility device to design and materials specifications set forth in regulatory standards promulgated under the authority of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
      (3)    Projections Prohibited. Porches, carports and covered patios shall not project into the required yards.
   (e)    Interior Lots. The required minimum front yard setback shall be measured from the street right-of-way or, where a right-of-way is not identified, the front lot line. The lot line located directly behind the rear of the structure shall be the rear lot line and the rear yard setback shall be applied. All other lot lines shall be considered the side lot lines and the side yard setback shall be applied.
Figure 1143.07-2: Typical yard locations on an interior lot.
   (f)    Corner Lot Yards. On all corner lots, all yards which front on streets shall be considered front yards, and as such shall meet the minimum front yard requirements specified for the district in which they are located. For the yards not fronting on a street one shall be considered a rear yard and the other a side yards and shall meet or exceed the rear and side yard requirements for the district.
Figure 1143.07-3: Typical yard locations for a corner lot.
   (g)    Corner Clearance for Traffic Visibility. In any zoning district, except the B-1 Central Business District, no obstructions higher than two (2) feet above the adjacent top-of-curb elevation shall be permitted to be planted, placed or erected on any corner lot within a triangular portion of the land whose sides are defined as follows: two (2) sides shall be the two (2) intersecting street lines for distances of thirty (30) feet along the lot frontage from their point of intersection and the third side shall be a line connecting the ends of the other two (2) sides, extending obliquely across the corner lot. Also see Section 1147.16: Sight Visibility Triangle.
Figure 1143.07-4: Traffic visibility triangle for intersecting streets.
   (h)    Through Lot or Double Frontage Setback. On all through lots, the minimum front yard setback specified for the district in which the lot is located shall apply to each yard with street frontage.
Figure 1143.07-5: Through or Double Frontage Setback
   (i)    Cul-de-Sac or Curved-Street Lot. For a cul-de-sac lot or a lot abutting a curved street, the front yard setback shall follow the curve of the front property line.
Figure 1143.07-6: Cul-de-Sac or Curved-Street Lot
(Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)