Outdoor furnaces shall be considered accessory uses to permitted residential uses. Outdoor furnaces must meet all of the following requirements:
   (a)    A minimum lot size of one (1) acre.
   (b)    The unit shall be placed in the rear of the yard.
   (c)    The unit shall be placed at least 100 feet from any side or rear property line.
   (d)    The unit shall be placed at least 200 feet from any and all structures not served by the appliance and at least ten (10) feet from any and all structures served by the appliance.
   (e)    The flue or chimney shall extend a minimum of five (5) feet above the peak of any structure located within a 200-foot radius of the appliance.
   (f)    The unit shall have all spark guards and spark arrestors maintained in working order.
   (g)    Only seasoned untreated hardwood, corncobs, wood chips, or other fuels permitted and burned in compliance with the manufacturer's specifications shall be burned in the unit.
   (h)    Prohibited fuels and materials which shall not be burned include garbage, treated or painted wood, coal, tires, plastics, rubber products, yard waste, lawn clippings, papers, construction and demolition debris, plywood, particle board, manure, animal carcasses, asphalt or petroleum products, paints, chemicals or any substance that normally emits dense smoke or noxious odors. The unit shall not be utilized as a waste incinerator.
   (i)    All units shall be installed and operated according to the manufacturer's specifications and has met the EPA OWHH Phase 1 emission level and has the proper qualifying label and hangtag.
      (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)