(a)    The maximum number of guest rooms permitted is three (3).
   (b)    Bed and breakfast homestays are permitted only in older residential structures that are recognized as architecturally, historically or culturally significant.
   (c)    Food services in bed and breakfast homestays are limited to breakfast for guests only. No food preparation is allowed in the rooms.
   (d)    Interior Design Standards.
      (1)    Bedrooms shall be an existing part of the primary residential structure and not specifically constructed or remodeled for rental purposes.
      (2)    The architectural integrity of the structure and arrangement of existing interior space must be maintained.
   (e)    Exterior Design Standards.
      (1)    Only minimal outward modification is allowed and only if compatible with neighboring structures.
      (2)    Modifications required for safety purposes are allowable.
   (f)    Bed and Breakfast Area and Bulk Requirements.
      (3)    The guest house operation cannot utilize more than fifty percent (50%) of the floor area of the residential structure.
      (4)    A minimum of 250 square feet of gross interior floor area is required for each guest. Gross interior floor area includes room, hall, bath and dining areas. (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)