(a)    General. Upon the institution of proceedings by Council or the subdivider in the Court of Common Pleas for the vacation of any public way, or any portion thereof, in a subdivision, a plat or map showing such public way sought to be vacated and all intersecting and connective public ways, shall form a part of the petition and proceedings for such a vacation. Any such public way sought to be vacated shall be shown on the plat by measurements, descriptions identifying the extent of the area proposed to be vacated.
   (b)    Professional Assistance. The plat showing the public area to be vacated shall be prepared by a registered surveyor.
   (c)    Recording. Such plat shall be transferred in the office of the County Auditor and recorded in the office of the Recorder of Sandusky County in the same manner as are plats originally transferred and recorded.
   (d)    Cross Referencing. Upon the filing of the plat with the County Recorder, a cross reference to the record of the vacated portion of the plat shall be made by the Recorder on the original plat of the subdivision.
   (e)    Returning Lots to Tax Duplicate. Upon institution of proceedings to vacate platted lots of a subdivision for the purpose of returning such lots as acreage to the tax duplicate, the same procedure shall be required.
(Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)