(a)    Public Sanitary Sewers. If a subdivision can be reasonably served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, as determined by the Planning Commission, the subdivider or developer shall provide a system of sanitary sewer mains and shall provide lateral connections for each lot. Whenever main lines are installed, sewer and water shall be extended to property lines. Sewer taps for individual lots shall be extended to a point three (3) feet back of the curb line. Manholes shall be placed in the sanitary sewers at a maximum distance of 400 feet between manholes. Connections to public sanitary sewer lines shall be subject to the approval of and according to the specifications of the Sandusky County Public Health Department.
   (b)    Individual Sewage Disposal. When permitted by the Planning Commission, such as in annexation situations, such sewage disposal systems shall meet all applicable requirements, rules and regulations of the State of Ohio, the Sandusky County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Sandusky County Public Health Department and such requirements shall be included in the specifications of the subdivider's proposal to the Planning Commission.
      (1)    Documents submitted with plat. The general types of soil encountered in making the tests, and the depth of ground water if found, shall be documented and submitted with the plat together with the actual percolation time of each test home and the name and address of the registered surveyor and/or engineer making the test and the dates on which they were made.
      (2)    Conformance with requirements. All percolation tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Commission and the Sandusky County Public Health Department.
         (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)