(a)    Purpose. The purpose of the preliminary plat is to show on a map all the facts which enables the Planning Commission to determine whether the proposed layout of the land is satisfactory from the standpoint of public health, Safety and the General Welfare of the City; and that the proposed subdivided land can be used safely for building purposes without danger to health or peril from fire, flood or other menace.
   (b)    Professional Assistance. The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a licensed and registered professional engineer.
   (c)    Filing.
      (1)    The subdivider shall prepare and file a preliminary plat for approval with the Planning Commission, and as many copies as may be required by the Commission, according to the standards and other requirements of these rules and regulations. The preliminary plat shall be considered officially filed on the day accepted by the Planning Commission and shall be so dated. The preliminary plat shall then be examined by the City Engineer on behalf of the Planning Commission.
      (2)    Together with the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall submit an application on the proper form, a written statement describing existing conditions, a vicinity map and the appropriate fee.
   (d)    Approval.
      (1)    The Planning Commission shall forward copies of the preliminary plat to Council, the Sandusky County Public Health Department, the City Engineer and other officials and agencies as may be properly interested for the purpose of study and recommendation. After receipt of the reports from such officials and agencies, the Planning Commission shall determine whether the preliminary plat shall be approved, approved with modifications or disapproved. Written notice of such action shall be supplied to the subdivider.
      (2)    The Planning Commission shall act on the preliminary plat within thirty (30) days after filing unless such time is extended by agreement with the subdivider or his agent.
      (3)    When a preliminary plat has been approved by the Planning Commission, the chairman or secretary shall affix his signature to the preliminary plat and attach a notation thereto that the preliminary plat has received approval and return one (1) copy to the subdivider for compliance with final approval requirements. Approval of the preliminary plat by the Planning Commission shall not constitute approval of the final plat.
      (4)    Approval of the preliminary plat shall confer upon the subdivider for twelve (12) months from the date of approval, the guarantee that the general terms and conditions under which the approval was granted will not be affected by any changes and/or amendments to these rules and regulations. After twelve (12) months from the date of approval, such approval shall automatically expire, unless extended by formal action of the Planning Commission.
         (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)