For the purpose of these regulations, certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
   (a)   “Alley” means any public or private way which serves as rear or side access to properties abutting on other streets.
   (b)   “Building setback line” means a line generally parallel to a street or front lot line defining the limits of a front yard in which no structure may be placed above ground.
   (c)    “City Engineer” mean the City Engineer for the City of Fremont, Ohio.
   (d)    “Construction Plans” means the specifications, maps or drawings accompanying a subdivision plat, which show the specific location and design of improvements to be installed in the subdivision in accordance with the requirements of the City Planning Commission and the City Engineer as a condition for the approval of the plat.
   (e)   “County Public Health Department” means the Sandusky County Public Health Department.
   (f)    “Cul-de-sac Street” means a short minor or dead-end street having one (1) end open to motor traffic, the other end terminating in a vehicular turnaround.
   (g)    “Dead-end street” means a street having only one (1) end open to motor traffic and not containing a vehicular turnaround.
   (h)    “Easement” means a grant by the property owner of the use of a strip of land for specified purposes by the public, a corporation or certain individuals.
   (i)    “Final Plat”means a map of a parcel of land on which the subdivider's plan for subdivision is presented to the Planning Commission for approval, and after approval, to the County Recorder for recording.
   (j)    “Flood plain” means that area of a natural drainage way which is subject to flooding.
   (k)   “Grade” means the slope of a road, street or public way, specified in percentage (%) terms.
   (l)   “Lot” means a parcel of land intended as a unit for transfer of ownership and for building development, having its full frontage on a public street.
   (m)    “Major street or thoroughfare” means a street serving as a major traffic way for communication and so designated on the City plan for major streets and thoroughfares.
   (n)   “Minor street” means a street intended to serve primarily as access to abutting properties.
   (o)    “Plat” means a map of a tract or parcel of land.
   (p)    “Preliminary plat” means a drawing showing the proposed layout of a subdivision which is submitted to the Planning Commission for its consideration and conditional approval.
   (q)    “Right of way” means the strip of land taken or dedicated for use as a public way, measured across at right angles from property line to property line. In addition to the roadway, it normally incorporates curbs, planting strips, sidewalks, lighting and drainage facilities, and may include special features, required by topography or treatment, as grade separations, landscaped areas and bridges.
   (r)    “Secondary Street” means a street serving as a collector for minor streets.
   (s)    “Sidewalk” means that portion of the street right-of-way outside the vehicular roadway, which is improved for the use of pedestrian traffic.
   (t)    “Sketch plan” means a free-hand sketch made on a topographic survey map showing the layout of streets, lots and other features of a proposed subdivision in relation to existing conditions.
   (u)    “Slope” the degree of deviation of a surface from the horizontal, usually expressed in percent or degrees. Steep slopes are those that are ten percent (10%) or greater.
   (v)    “Street” means a strip of public land for the accommodation of traffic, which normally provides vehicular and pedestrian access to adjacent property.
   (w)    “Subdivider” means any person, individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, estate, trust or any other group or combination acting as a unit, dividing or proposing to divide land for the purpose of development and/or sale so as to constitute a subdivision as herein defined.
   (x)    “Subdivision”.
      (1)    Division of a parcel. The division of any parcel of land shown as a unit or as contiguous units on the last preceding tax roll, into two (2) or more parcels, sites or lots, any one (1) of which is less than five (5) acres for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership, provided, however, that the division or partition of land into parcels of more than five (5) acres not involving any new streets or easements of access, and the sale or exchange of parcels between adjoining lot owners, where such sale or exchange does not create additional building sites shall be exempted.
      (2)    Improvement of a parcel. The improvement of one (1) or more parcels of land for residential, commercial or industrial structures or groups of structures involving the division or allocation of land for the opening, widening or extension of any street or streets, except private streets serving industrial structures; the division or allocation of land as open spaces for common use by owners, occupants or lease holders or as easements for the extension and maintenance of public sewer, water, storm drainage or other public facilities.
   (y)    “Topography” means the configuration of the surface, including its relief and the position of natural and constructed features.
      (Ord. 2020-4053. Passed 1-7-21.)