(a)   No person, business, or corporation, shall violate any order of the Safety-Service Director regarding the use of water after a water emergency has been declared by the Safety-Service Director.
   (b)   Whenever a water emergency exists, the Safety-Service Director shall notify the public by notifying the local news media of his orders regarding the state of the water emergency. The Safety-Service Director shall also cause to be published in the local newspaper, a public notice of the state of the water emergency and such notice shall define the rules and regulations regarding water use and the penalties for violation of the Safety-Service Director's orders.
   (c)   Any individual violating an order of the Safety-Service Director shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) per violation. Any business or corporation violating an order of the Safety-Service Director shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(Ord. 88-2535. Passed 7-7-88.)