(a)   It shall be the duty of any owner, occupant or party or parties constructing any new house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other new building of any other character located on property where the City's public waterworks and sewerage system are available for connection to cause such new house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other new building of any other character to be connected with said waterworks and sewerage system as a part of the construction process. For purposes of this section, water and sewerage facilities shall be deemed "available" if such facility is within 200 feet of a property line of the property. As a part of connection, the owner, occupant or party or parties constructing any new house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other new building of any other character located on property shall be responsible for extending the water and/or sewer main through the entire width of their property.
   (b)   It shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of any existing house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other existing building of any other character located on property where the City's public waterworks and sewerage system are available for connection to cause such existing house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other existing building of any other character to be connected with said waterworks and sewerage system within 180 days of notice by the City that water and sewerage facilities are available to such property. For purposes of this section, water and sewerage facilities shall be deemed "available" if such facility is within 200 feet of a property line of the property. As a part of connection, the owner or occupant shall be responsible for extending the water and/or sewer main through the entire width of their property.
   (c)   Ready to Serve Fee.
      (1)   In the event the owner, occupant or party or parties constructing any new house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other new or existing building of any other character fails to connect to the City's public waterworks and sewerage system as required in subsection (a) above, they will be assessed a monthly "ready to serve" fee equal to the City's Public Infrastructure Capital Improvement Fund fee plus $50.00.
      (2)   In the event the owner or occupant of any existing house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other existing building of any other character fails to connect to the City's public waterworks and sewerage system as required in subsection (b) above, they will be assessed a monthly "ready to serve" fee equal to the City's Public Infrastructure Capital Improvement Fund fee plus $50.00.
   (d)   Roadway Repair Costs. In the event the owner, occupant or party or parties constructing any new house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other building of any other character fails to connect to the City's public waterworks and sewerage system as required in subsection (a) above, but later, after a certificate of occupancy has been issued, desires to connect, they will be responsible for any and all costs associated with any roadway repairs, including full street width repair if required by the City in its sole discretion, associated with their connection to the City's public waterworks and sewerage system.
   (e)   In the event the owner or occupant of any existing house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other existing building of any other character fails to connect to the City's public waterworks and sewerage system as required in subsection (b) above (i.e. within 180 days of notice by the City that water and sewerage facilities are available to such property) but later desires to connect, they will be responsible for any and all costs associated with any roadway repairs, including full street width repair if required by the City in its sole discretion, associated with their connection to the City's public waterworks and sewerage system.
   (f)   No property improved with an existing house, structure, factory, industrial or commercial establishment or any other existing building of any other character shall be sold unless it is connected to the City's public waterworks and sewerage system in accordance with this section.
(Ord. 2022-25. Passed 6-20-22.)