The powers and duties of the City Manager shall be as follows:
   (a)   To enforce the laws and ordinances within the City;
   (b)   To appoint and remove all directors of departments or employees of the City except when such power is vested in the City Council or other commission, committee or board of the City under this Code or any applicable State statute or pursuant to the terms of any collective bargaining agreement. The Chief of Police and the Chief of Fire Department may be removed or discharged by the City Manager; provided, however, that the City Manager shall file with the corporate authorities the reasons therefor and such removal or discharge shall not become effective unless confirmed by a majority vote of the corporate authorities;
   (c)   To appoint and remove all officers who are not required to be elected pursuant to State statute;
   (d)   To exercise control of all departments as created under City ordinance, or that may be created by the City Council;
   (e)   To have all the powers and exercise all the duties granted elsewhere in this Code to municipal clerks and comptrollers with respect to the preparation of a report of estimated funds necessary to defray the expenses of the City for the fiscal year for the consideration of the corporate authorities prior to the preparation of the annual appropriation ordinance;
   (f)   To attend all meetings of the City Council with the right to take part in the discussions, but with no right to vote;
   (g)   To recommend to the City Council for adoption such measures as he or she may deem necessary or expedient;
   (h)   To recommend to the Council the wages and benefits for each position within the service of the City;
   (i)   To investigate all complaints pertaining to the administration of the City and to services maintained by the public utilities of the City and see that all franchises, permits and privileges granted by the City are faithfully observed;
   (j)   To prepare and submit an annual budget to the City Council in format prescribed by the City Council or Council committee that is consistent with the financial priorities set by the City Council after consultation with the Council or appropriate Council committee;
   (k)   To keep the Council advised of the financial condition and future needs of the City and make such recommendations as may be deemed desirable;
   (l)   To supervise the coordination of purchasing all materials, supplies, equipment and services by the Finance Director in conformance with Chapter 238 for which funds are provided in the City's budget;
   (m)   To supervise the negotiation of all collective bargaining agreements between the City and unions representing employees of the City;
   (n)   To examine all other proposed contracts of the City, advise the City Council with respect to the same, and supervise the performance of the terms and conditions of any contract to which the City is a party;
   (o)   To coordinate the management of the City Hall and all other City buildings, facilities and properties, provide necessary facilities for the operations and purposes of all boards and commissions of the City and keep a current inventory of all real and personal property of the City;
   (p)   To coordinate all City operations affecting more than one department, office or officers; he or she may, if he or she deems necessary, with the approval of the City Council, consolidate or combine offices, positions or departments within the City;
   (q)   To submit, or cause to be submitted to the City Council, monthly and annual written reports of the activities and financial status of all City departments and operations under his or her management. The annual report, which shall be consistent with the Council's approval of the format, shall be submitted within thirty days following the end of each fiscal year;
   (r)   To advise, and as necessary, provide assistance to all duly constituted boards, commissions and advisory committees of the City;
   (s)   May, as directed by the City Council, be responsible for the preparation and release of newsletters, brochures, articles and other informational sources in order to keep the public informed on the activities of the City government and shall make himself or herself available to the residents and business community of the City;
   (t)   Shall work with the public to receive suggestions and to hear, investigate and attempt to resolve complaints relating to matters concerning the administration of the government of the City and the services rendered by the City;
   (u)   May, as directed by the corporate authorities, represent the City in matters concerning the City and other governmental entities;
   (v)   To perform such other duties as may be prescribed or may be required of him or her by ordinance or resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 2017-10. Passed 2-6-17.)