(a)   No person shall park a motor vehicle or other vehicle in any City parking lot in the Central Business District (excluding Lot 12) overnight, between the hours of 2:00 and 5:00 a.m. without displaying on said vehicle a valid parking placard issued by the City. No person shall park a motor vehicle or other vehicle overnight in City Lot 12. Upon payment of an annual fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to the Finance Director or his or her designee, the Licensing Officer shall issue a parking placard to any person paying such fee. Such parking placards shall expire on April 30 of each year. No person shall deface, alter or forge any such parking placard, nor shall any person knowingly possess, use or display any such defaced, altered or forged parking placard.
(Ord. 97-21. Passed 7-21-97.)
   (b)   No person with a valid parking placard shall park any motor vehicle or other vehicle in any City parking lot for a period of time longer than twenty-four hours.
(1977 Code §51-104; Ord. 89-53. Passed 8-21-89; Ord. 91-18. Passed 5-6-91; Ord. 94-16. Passed 4-18-94; Ord. 2002-36. Passed 6-3-02; Ord. 2017-21. Passed 4-3-17; Ord. 2023-43. Passed 10-2-23.)